Seattle Public Schools

6650 Adults/Non Students on Buses

It is the policy of the School Board that the district may authorize bus transportation to adults, provided they meet the following conditions:

  1. They are school district employees, contractor carrier personnel, parents/guardians of district students, or other authorized personnel.
  2. They use the bus for a specific school-related function or activity, which requires or desires their presence (e.g., contractor-personnel checking a driver’s performance).
  3. They use the bus for purposes that may be beneficial or useful to the district.
  4. They comply with the same safety procedures, regulations, policies, bus schedules, and stops that apply to school students. No exceptions are granted.

Any adult who wishes to ride a bus and meets the district’s conditions must receive authorization from the Transportation Office. The requesting adult must submit a request (written or by telephone) indicating the reasons for the request, frequency of travel, and extenuating circumstances.

The principal or designated representative, upon notification by the Transportation Office, will issue a temporary bus card to the adult authorized to ride a bus. The card must be shown to the driver when boarding the bus. The temporary bus card is only valid for ten (10) working days; if its use is required beyond that period, another temporary bus card must be issued. Adults using school buses will do so on a space available basis, no student is to be displaced or required to stand in order to make room for them. The driver can refuse to carry the adult if their presence will create a vehicle overload.

The Transportation Office will inform carriers of adults authorized to ride school buses.

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